
Social Impact Assessment and Management

e-learning programme spanning 10 weeks, with an estimated 60 hours of student commitment.

2025 edition: Register for the course here

This course equips participants with frameworks and tools to address a spectrum of social issues such as: social impact management plans, sustainable livelihoods, ecosystems services, human rights, gender and vulnerability, Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC), agreement-making with Indigenous Peoples, cumulative impacts, social investment partnerships, local content, grievance mechanisms, and other emerging trends.

This course will appeal to early-career impact assessment practitioners, individuals commissioning SIAs, those who would like to carry them out, people involved in assessing SIAs, and anyone with a general interest in the field.

Specific course objectives are to:

  • Increase awareness of the latest developments in SIA thinking and practice.
  • Create awareness of the benefits of seeing SIA as an ongoing process of adaptive management and engagement with stakeholders, rather than as a point-in-time assessment.
  • Strengthen an understanding of the social nature of impacts on communities.
  • Build practical skills for conducting SIAs.
  • Increase the ability to critically evaluate SIAs.
  • Increase an awareness of approaches that ensure the effective implementation of SIA commitments.
  • Provide tools to realise the potential of project participants to contribute to sustainability outcomes.
  • Increase understanding of the ethical, human rights, and legal issues in SIA practice.

This course is delivered through video, powerpoint, readings, tools, four online tutorials, and a case study exercise which becomes the basis of the final assignment.

For more details, please contact: smoreira@communityinsights.eu

View information about our upcoming courses here.