
Land Acquisition, Resettlement and Social Sustainability

Research into the displacement of peoples following large projects generally shows that they have been made worse off by displacement, and that their human rights have been infringed. At the same time, the growing prevalence of international standards, such as the World Bank Safeguard Policies, IFC Performance Standards, Equator Principles, and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, heightens expectations for better standards to be met globally. These standards; however, lack practical guidance on how to effectively implement social performance practises for the sustained improvement of communities. Moreover, the diverse cultural and developmental contexts across regions and countries pose further challenges to social performance, and to fully complying with international benchmarks.

This training course provides capacity building in the practice of managing the social issues related to land acquisition and resettlement. It is geared towards current and prospective social performance and resettlement practitioners, as well as individuals involved in the governance of large-scale projects. The course is also open to advanced students interested in the management of social issues associated with development.

This course is offered on a anual basis as a two-week summer and winter school in Istambul, Turkey.

For more information, please contact: shaidar@communityinsights.eu.

View information about our upcoming courses here.

NOTE: This course is full and closed for registrations. To be included in the waiting list, please contact Suelen Haidar < shaidar@communityinsights.eu >